
Celebrity Cruise CRO

For customers, the journey to booking a perfect cruise can be long and winding. Choosing dates, destinations, excursions, upgrade packages and more, all adds up to a rather complex endeavor.

To optimize the user experience and maximize sales along the way, Celebrity Cruises relies on a solid conversion rate optimization process driven by ideation and experimentation.

Agency:   Multiplica      |      2019 - 2020

For customers, the journey to booking a perfect cruise can be long and winding. Choosing dates, destinations, excursions, upgrade packages and more, all adds up to a rather complex endeavor. To optimize the user experience and maximize sales along the way, Celebrity Cruises relies on a solid conversion rate optimization process driven by ideation and experimentation.

Agency:   Multiplica      |      2019 - 2020


I was hired by Multiplica, a digital design agency, to work on projects involving ideation, visual design, animation, and prototyping, with all efforts aimed at improving the user experience and driving conversions.

Promoting Voice Search

Alexa Skill Landing Page

To promote the brand's new Alexa Skill, "Explore Destinations", Celebrity wanted to create a landing page that explains what the Skill does, where to get it, and how to use it.

I designed the landing page to make users feel immersed in far off destinations, suggesting Alexa as a means to get there. Lottie animations created in After Effects were used to elevate the feeling of immersion and draw attention to the voice bubble examples.

The client was thrilled with the landing page design and requested animated banner designs done in the same style to help promote their new Alex Skill across the website.

Alexa Email Design

Voice search is a rapidly growing area of interest for Celebrity. To help with remarketing efforts toward users who engage the brand with voice-enabled devices, I designed these follow-up emails that revisit the initial search topic, provide additional relevant information, and prompt the user to engage again.

Checkout (Post-Cruise)

Checkout is the most critical point of an e-commerce experience. If the user loses trust, becomes distracted or confused at this stage, they may abandon the cart and never return. The original post-cruise checkout design offered many diversionary exit points for the user and didn't follow best practices in design.

I redesigned the experience to narrow the user's focus on the checkout process, help them feel more secure entering payment info, and feel a greater sense of trust through a consistent experience that's visually aligned with the brand.

I also designed and prototyped a version of the checkout experience optimized specifically for mobile devices.

Improving Search

Search Cards Optimization

On the Celebrity Cruise website, search results for destinations are presented as cards. Design of the original search cards strongly emphasized creating a rich visual experience, but came at the cost of easy scanning and readability for the user.

I redesigned the mobile and desktop search cards for better usability by introducing white space and establishing a clearer hierarchy, as well as designing to improve conversions by more strongly positioning information about pricing and discounts.

Adapting for COVID-19

Content Hub

COVID-19 caused severe disruptions to the entire cruising and travel industry. In response to the new challenges, Celebrity Cruises wanted to leverage their content hub to keep customers engaged with the brand while waiting for regular cruising to resume.

I was tasked with redesigning their existing content hub, which was more like a content catch-all in its current state. In the new design, content is organized through tabbed navigation, most popular content is featured above the fold, and layout and typography follow best design practices.

Increasing Order Value

Homepage (Post-Cruise)

The original "mosaic" layout of the post-cruise homepage was described as confusing to users and parts of the page often went overlooked.

I redesigned the interface to make it easier for users to find cruise products by organizing product content into easily scannable categories and by improving readability of product info. The new design also allowed for marketing to clearly merchandise (badge) featured products, without creating additional competing visual clutter.

The Results

These are just a few of many design projects I worked on for Multiplica and Celebrity Cruises that contributed to an overall 30% increase in funnel entries for 2019.