I'm a UI/UX designer and animator.
I help businesses create delightful, user friendly digital products that get results.

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How I can help you

From research and ideation to design and prototyping, I have a broad range of skills that enable me to be an army of one or a strong team player that connects to your entire design pipeline.

UI/UX Design

User Research

Creative Strategy

Motion Design

Awesome brands & biz I've helped with design & animation:


Featured Projects

Celebrity Cruises

Celebrity Cruises CRO

Celebrity Cruises continuously optimizes their website UX to improve conversion rates. I designed several experiences that increase funnel entries, drive additional sales, and more.

UI/UX Design
Conversion Rate Optimization
View Project
Adacio, Inc

Latice Mobile Game App

Gaming startup, Adacio, found early success with their first all-ages board game, Latice. The next step was to scale the audience and gaming experience to new heights by going mobile.

Product Design
UI/UX Design
Animation + VFX
Gamification Strategy
Art Direction
View Project
Orby TV

Orby TV Website Redesign

Upstart satellite TV provider, Orby TV, needed to improve the design and usability of their website. I helped redesign the experience to convert curious visitors into paying customers.

UI/UX Design
User Research
View Project
Sandos Hotels & Resorts

Sandos Website Redesign


Sandos needed a major refresh of their website design to elevate the brand and improve the user experience.

(Case study coming soon)

UI/UX Design


Some good words from great people

" You don't know what you're missing until you've worked with Justin. He is truly perceptive and insightful in all aspects of his user-centric focused design work. "

Laura Gratto
Senior CRO Project Manager
Multiplica US

" Justin’s skills as a designer speak for themself, but add his desire to do the very best job, his professionalism, and organization with staying on task, makes him a valuable asset to any team for any job! "

Eric Dean
Key Account Manager
CH Robinson

" ...an incredible designer who would stun us time and again with beautiful and tasteful designs and juicy UI animations. "

Oskar Szulc
Lead Unity Developer

" If you need a creative, responsible, passionate designer, animator or creator, I would highly recommend Justin. "

Tak Heogh
Concept Industrial Designer
Yacht Works

" He's a talented and dedicated Designer who continuously challenged our team and pushed us to new heights. "

Chris Shearin
Sr. Visualization Specialist

" The client liked Justin's design recommendations so much that they decided to have their whole site redesign based on his awesome work. "

Yoandi Perez
Project Manager
Multiplica US

" You don't know what you're missing until you've worked with Justin. He is truly perceptive and insightful in all aspects of his user-centric focused design work. "

Laura Gratto
Senior CRO Project Manager
Multiplica US

" Justin’s skills as a designer speak for themself, but add his desire to do the very best job, his professionalism, and organization with staying on task, makes him a valuable asset to any team for any job! "

Eric Dean
Key Account Manager
CH Robinson

" ...an incredible designer who would stun us time and again with beautiful and tasteful designs and juicy UI animations. "

Oskar Szulc
Lead Unity Developer

" If you need a creative, responsible, passionate designer, animator or creator, I would highly recommend Justin. "

Tak Heogh
Concept Industrial Designer
Yacht Works

" He's a talented and dedicated Designer who continuously challenged our team and pushed us to new heights. "

Chris Shearin
Sr. Visualization Specialist

" The client liked Justin's design recommendations so much that they decided to have their whole site redesign based on his awesome work. "

Yoandi Perez
Project Manager
Multiplica US

How can I help with your next project?

Let's chat! I usually respond within 24 hours.

Thank you! I'll be in touch soon!
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